Tuesday, September 16, 2008

"He didn't fall?!? Inconceivable!"

One of my favorite movies, "Princess Bride." Following the title line is Inigo Montoya's infamous rebuttal: "You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means."

Either of those phrases could be applied to a lot of things in the current financial market, but today it was the fact that the Fed didn't lower the prime rate as many had expected them to; Lehman Brothers and AIG also seemed to find a little light at the end of the tunnel... at least if you squint real hard and cock your head to the side...

With this bag of news, the DOW gains almost 150 points and mortgage rates give up almost .25%. That's right you fence-sitters, monthly payments just went up about $60/month or so.

So here's your kick in the pants, we can draw on one of the songs from "High School Musical" with the words, "You gotta gitcha gitcha gitcha gitcha head in the game!"

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